Yesterday was a marathon drive. During most of the day Mom drove while Dad worked using the MiFi and the kid...well...he got some quality time with his gadgets. After the work day Dad took over on the driving front and drove late into the night. We'd planned to stop after 8 hours of driving and visit friends in Kentucky. At the decision point to head south, we were feeling really good on the road and felt like continuing to drive so we decided to stay north and see how far we could get. We drove roughly 750-miles in 16 hours.

Ended the evening in Minooka, Il. At first thought we'd hunker down at the Pilot truck stop. After accessing the situation, aka hearing the sea of running Semi trucks (that'll run all night long) we decided on a different venue...the bank parking lot.

Mom is exploring stopping locations along the route this morning while the kid sleeps in...see what today brings.